Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Children

Hello Again - I am sitting here in my living room listening to Spongebob, and decided that now is a great time to let you know a little about the ones that keep me going!

I am a stay at home & work at home mom of 4 beautiful children.

Sandra: We call her Sandi for short. Sandi is 7 years old, but to see her you would think she was older, she towers over most kids her age, and is very advanced for her age as well. She is finishing up first grade and she absolutely LOVES school. She is an excellent reader and loves to learn new things! She was named after my mom who died when I was 16 - I always wanted to name my first daughter after her. And my first baby happened to be a girl - so God sent me an Angel that day! I am so blessed to have her in my life. She has the BIGGEST heart of any child,  she always wants to please, and to make people happy. I never get a bad remark from her teachers or anyone else that meets or works with her. She is my Princess!

Kiran: Pronounced Keerin: She is almost 5. We named her after a woman that used to be on FOX News channel. We had no other 'special' names that we wanted to use for our kids, so it was picking ones that we both liked. I loved the name Alexis, my husband was in love with the new caster so we compromised and used both! I love that her name is unique and she won't be 1 of 10 with the same name in her class. Now a little about her personality. Boy does this girl give me a run for my money. She wants what she wants when she wants it - and has no problem expressing that. I'm pretty sure she thinks her 'poop' doesn't stink! I have a feeling Kiran will go far in life based on her looks alone, she is GORGEOUS with long beautiful hair that I am totally jealous of! BUT she is pretty and she knows it, and my biggest challenge is making sure she doesn't grow up to be a 'mean girl' Kiran is sweetheart though most of the time, and she is a great student in preschool and is excited to be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Her big sister is her best friend! She is my Peanut!

Brady: Brady is turning 3 in a few weeks. My only boy - and my baby for life! I am so in love with my son! The sun rises and sets on this boy! I named him after the men on my favorite soap opera Days of Our Lives! Brady is all boy - dirt, cars, trains, sports, the works! He is such a kind boy, always looking out for his sisters and has wonderful manners for such a little kid. He is my easiest child, he doesn't require much, just an occasional refill on his milk - or his train tracks moved somewhere else, other that that he entertains himself for hours! He loves Thomas, CARS, Toy Story, The Little Einsteins, Team Umizoomi and Jake and the Neverland Pirates - so we watch those shows and movies almost daily! I wish I could keep him 2 forever - he will be starting preschool in the fall and that will crush me. He is my Bubba!

Avery: Avery is 9 months, and the sweetest baby I have ever had! When I found out I was having another girl, we were at a loss for a name. We had a boy name picked out but nothing for a girl. One day while I was at the gym watching the TV over the treadmills - a name popped up on the screen on ESPN. Avery Johnson. It was a mans name - but I LOVED it for a girl! So thankfully my husband trusts my judgement and had no problem naming her Avery - and her middle name is Rae (LOVE IT) She is so laid back and go with the flow. I am really attached to her and I think it is because I know she is my last baby. I want to hold on to the 'baby' stage for as long as I can with her. She is just such a happy baby, she loves watching her siblings run around and play (and fight) with each other, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is her staple - it is on multiple times during the day! She is my Munchkin!

I wish I could keep them all frozen at the ages they are now - time goes by so fast. In the blink of an eye my 'baby' is now 7. It is amazing how much they grow and change. I am looking forward to seeing them grow though, and watch their personalities develop, and see what they become.

I love my children, they are my reasons for living. I am blessed!

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