Sunday, May 1, 2011

Making Time

I seem to notice that when I get these 'Big Ideas' - I also lose time during the day! I just can't seem to find the right balance of work (from home), kids, and life. Life is busy enough with 4 kids, but add on to that my daughters dance and softball, school for 2 of them, making sure I get my orders completed for my business, and get ready for upcoming craft fairs, a baby that is constantly having ear infections, trying to get a house in 'selling' condition so that we can move to a bigger one, and remembering to schedule doctors appointments, snacks for preschool, homework for my oldest, the list goes on and on and on. There are times at the end of the day when I am exhausted, but can't think of ONE thing I actually accomplished that day. But I guess in the grand scheme of things, if all my kids are safe and sound with full belly's and asleep in their beds - I've done a pretty good job that day!
I would still like to do it all, just better and in a more organized way. Maybe so much so that I REMEMBER what I did that day!!
So I am asking you all for help - how do you do it?
